Saturday, April 25, 2020

The Truth About Lemon Juice for Acne

So you heard somewhere that instead of spending a ton of money on soaps and creams, you should just start with some lemon juice for acne? Fortunately, whoever told you that happens to know what they're talking about! Now there is no guarantee that it will help treat your acne completely but there are definitely people who have had success with this method. It's absolutely worth a try!

The lemon is a pretty amazing fruit. It has some serious qualities that have been proven throughout history to benefit the human body. The reason why lemons can be so beneficial lies within their ability to kill germs and bacteria. Being very acidic, the lemon has some very strong disinfectant properties. Ascorbic acid is highly abundant in lemons and partly responsible for its ability to disinfect. Most pimples and other forms of acne are caused by a build-up of oil and bacteria in the pores. Lemons are able to destroy the bacteria and also act as an astringent, removing excess oil and promoting the formation of new skin cells.

It is very important that the juice is applied correctly and regularly in order to facilitate the best results. When used correctly, the lemon can be very effective in treating acne. Here's how you can try and use it to help with your acne.

1) Prepare - start by cutting a lemon in half and then squeezing the juice into a clean bowl.

2) Wash Your Face - before applying lemon juice, you want to wash your face with warm water in order to open up your pores so that the juice can penetrate. You may also want to use an anti-bacterial soap. Steam is also effective at opening pores.

3) Dilute (if needed) - you can mix in some clean water with the lemon juice if you feel the acid is too strong for your sensitive skin.

4) Apply - after toweling dry your face, apply lemon juice with cotton swabs. Don't use your fingers because they have oils on them and this can be counterproductive.

5) Leave on - after applying, leave the lemon juice on for a minimum of 25 minutes. You can also leave the juice on your face overnight and wash it off the next morning.

You may apply lemon juice every night and for many twice a day can be very beneficial. Make sure that your skin is not being irrated by the lemon juice from repeated exposure, you can always dilute it with water.

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