Saturday, April 25, 2020

Easy and Effective Skin Care Recipes for Acne

Finally, it's time to start using simple, natural skin care recipes for acne that work! The following acne recipes are effective, natural, safe and easy to make.

You've probably heard about all sorts of skin care products on the market as well as mediocre, ineffective recipes, and publications on the internet.

These products, skin care recipes and publications promise to do this, that or the other for acne prone skin. However, many of you probably have become weary using many products with minimal to no positive results.

While your face is becoming more loaded down with pimples and dead skin cells, your pocket-book is becoming very light in the process. This can be frustrating for most of us.

Well, those days may hopefully come to an end for you using the following natural skin care recipes. Remember, as with any good skin care regimen, it is extremely important to be patient, consistent and optimistic. Happy formulating!

Acne Clearing Scrub

Ingredients You Will Need:

Baking Soda - controls oily skin, gently removes dead skin cells and balances skin's pH level
Aloe Vera Juice or Gel - anti inflammatory, skin hydrator
Tea Tree Oil - anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti irritant


Step 1 - Pour about 4 oz. (1/2 cup) of baking soda into a clean, small container or bottle of choice.

Step 2 - Add the aloe vera juice to the baking soda, several drops at a time, while stirring, until you have created a creamy, liquid-like paste. If the mixture gets too watery, simply stir in just a bit more baking soda.

If the mixture gets too thick, simply stir in just a bit more aloe vera juice. Be sure not to make the mixture too watery or too thick - just creamy and liquid-like enough to pour into a bottle.

Step 3 - Finally, add about 20-30 drops tea tree oil to the paste. Then mix well. If using a bottle, shake well to mix.


Removes pore-clogging dead skin cells
Kills acne-causing bacteria
Calms irritation associated with acne

Directions for Use:

Simply wet face, then massage all over skin in circular motions, (concentrating on problem areas) for 30-60 seconds. Rinse to remove. Pat dry. Use 2 to 3 times weekly. Can also be used once daily on non-sensitive skin if desired.

Acne Clearing Serum

Ingredients You Will Need:

Aloe Vera Juice or Gel - anti inflammatory, skin hydrator
Witch Hazel - An astringent herb that helps heal blemishes and reduce oiliness
Tea Tree Oil - anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti irritant


Step 1 - Fill a clean 8 oz. bottle with aloe vera about halfway.

Step 2 - Fill the remainder of the bottle with the witch hazel, leaving about an inch of room at the top of bottle. This allows for you to thoroughly shake to mix.

Step 3 - Shake all ingredients together until well mixed.


Kills acne causing bacteria
Reduces oiliness
Balances skin's pH balance

Directions for Use:

Apply approximately a dime sized amount completely to affected areas and massage until absorbed. You can also use a cotton ball or pad to apply to skin until absorbed into skin. Use twice daily after cleansing for best results.


If you decide you want to make enough of these natural skin care recipes for repeated use, be sure to store in a bottle with a dispensing cap. Also store in the fridge after each use to increase shelf life. Remember, the tea tree oil in these formulas will also help extend the shelf life of these products. Although these recipes are very easy and inexpensive products to make, I do suggest you make enough, so you don't have to keep making it every time you plan to use it.

Friendly note:

If you're not sure where to get these few ingredients for the acne recipes, not to worry. Every last ingredient here should be available at your local drug store, health food store, grocery store or even online, and they're very inexpensive.

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