Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Skin Care Guide For Rosacea Sufferers

Rosacea is a serious skin disorder characterized by inflammation and redness. Managing this condition is tricky since what triggers it can differ from one person to the next.

Its symptoms include rashes, blemishes, enlarged capillaries, redness, and enlarged pores. Rosacea makes the skin hypersensitive which may cause stinging, burning and other problems. This is especially possible when you use certain skincare products. Rosacea sufferers should use products with fewer and mild ingredients.

Studies have led dermatologists to recommend some of the best skincare products and useful tips for rosacea sufferers.

Here is a helpful guide on skincare for rosacea sufferers.

1. Protect Yourself From Temperature Extremes

Very high temperatures may make this skin condition much worse. Good advice is to avoid situations that may overheat the body. Wind and cold weather may also be harmful thus, sufferers should carry scarves to cover up their faces when outdoors. To avoid flare-ups as a result of direct sunlight, applying a wide spectrum sunscreen containing silicone helps protect your skin and reduces stinging and redness.

2. Face Skin Care

A mild facial skincare routine is highly effective for those suffering from this condition. Rubbing, massaging and scrubbing the face too harshly may cause skin irritation. Skincare experts recommend the use of natural products that contain botanical extracts, nourishing vitamins and minerals rather than products with a lot of synthetic chemicals. Dry skin may be soothed and calmed by applying a moisturizing cream with ingredients such as rosehip fruit oils, black currant seed oil, and lotus floral extracts.

3. Develop a Simple Skin Care Regimen

Rosacea sufferers need to adopt a simple skincare routine since their skin may be sensitive to so many products. Skincare products with natural ingredients will help reduce irritation and inflammation. On the other hand, visiting a dermatologist regularly for professional advice and treatment is also advisable. Following the right skincare practices and making it a priority can help individuals manage the embarrassment and pain associated with rosacea.

4. Avoid Chemicals That Irritate The Face

Products that are not intended for the skin may cause irritation to rosacea sufferers. For example, when spraying your hair, take the necessary precautions to make sure that the spray doesn't get on any part of your face. Cover your face when spraying such substances. If the hair spray gets to your face, you should wash it off immediately with clean water. Furthermore, you should pat dry your face. Don't rub it to avoid any irritation.

5. Facial Cleansing

Rosacea sufferers must clean their faces with non-exasperating soaps, fragrance-free cleansers, and oil-free products. Chemicals in soaps and cleansers can cause redness and severe irritation. Lukewarm water is best for rinsing rather than cold or hot water.

This condition requires immediate medical attention to manage it. Proper medication and use of 15 SPF sunscreen is an effective way of managing rosacea. Ensure you apply sunscreen regularly to prevent irritation and redness.

6. Moisturizing

A rosacea sufferer can add moisture to her dry skin by applying creams with water-based moisturizers. However, ensure the cream is lanolin and fragrance-free. Opt for one that is light-colored if necessary. Facial cleansing and moisturizing should be done every morning and evening for better results.

7. Food & Drink

According to some experts, rosacea can be triggered by many common foods and drinks. Sufferers should stay away from spicy foods, wine, and beverages that have caffeine in them. Rosacea sufferers should keep a diary to keep track of foods and drinks that set off skin redness and inflammation. Changing the diet to remove these foods may lessen the severity and frequency of flare-ups.

More Tips for Rosacea Sufferers

Don't scratch or pulling on your skin.

Don't use brushes, rough towels, and hard sponges to cleanse your face.

Protect your face with a scarf or some kind of coverage when outside, especially your nose and cheeks.

It is good to use natural fabrics against your skin or on your face rather than wool. This is because linen, silk, hemp, and cotton are non- irritating, soft and breathable.

Roseau sufferers are also advised to drink plenty of water to flush out all toxins from the body. This will promote healthy skin.

Don't use skincare products with harsh ingredients as they may worsen the condition. Toners with ingredients like alcohol and fragrances are not recommended for rosacea patients.

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