What Is The Paleo Diet? And How Can It Help Me?
For many years doctors have told us that what we eat and the condition of our skin is NOT related. If you stop to think about it, it really doesn't make any sense. We get our nutrition from our food and hence the quality of what we put into our bodies is of paramount importance. Enter the Paleo diet, one of the best home remedies for ance you can find. This diet, more a nutritional plan was introduced in the mid 1970s and is currently enjoying a resurgence.
The Paleo Diet is an abbreviation of The Paleolithic Diet and is also known as the caveman diet, stone age diet or hunter-gatherer diet. It is based on the presumed way our ancestors ate during the Paleolithic era. This period lasted about 2.5 million years and gave way to agricultural development and grain based diets. Proponents of the Paleo Diet claim that the human genome has not had enough time to adapt to this new way of eating.
When you choose to eat the Paleo way, you will benefit by having:-
Increased Energy
Clearer, smoother skin
Weight Loss
Stronger Immune System
I mean, can you imagine a caveman running around with a face full of pimples? I should think not! This is because the Paleo Diet and acne are mutually exclusive. By implementing the diet you will be automatically ruling out acne. Now that is good news!
The Paleo Diet Basics
For the cells in your body to function optimally you need to provide your body with adequate amounts of vitamins, minerals, protein, fats and complex carbohydrates. Eating the Paleo way does exactly that. Your health will flourish. The flames of inflammation will be diminished. This is the cause behind most chronic illnesses today. Inflammation is the result of the modern western diet - high in carbohydrates, saturated fats, processed foods and sugary substances.
The Paleo Diet Includes:
Lean meat ( preferably grass fed)
Low Carbohydrate and Low Glycemic Index Foods
Moderate to High Fat Intake ( balanced omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids)
Fresh Fruits And Vegetables
And Excludes:
Cereal Grains
Processed Sugars
The Paleo Diet And Acne Connection
It is no surprise that the western diet promotes acne. By studying the Kitava Tribe in Papua New Guinea, scientists have found a strong correlation between their Paleo like diet and the lack of inflammatory diseases like heart disease and even acne! The dietary influence of this tribe remains uninfluenced by western habits and is living proof of eating the way our bodies are designed to.
Skin will be healed from the inside out by preventing the 3 causes of acne. The hormonal events that increase sebum production, the P. acnes bacteria ( already present on skin) and skin cell turn over will be eliminated. Pores will unclog, simply by excluding the foods that exacerbate the hormones that work to clog pores. Say goodbye to shiny skin as sebum production normalizes. No more mid day shine! And by adding certain fats and removing others, the amount of bacteria on the skin can be controlled.
In a nutshell, this diet is all about regulating your hormones, which determines how the cells in your body will react. The only way to "cure" acne is to make sure your hormones are balanced. It is only through the right food combination that you will be able to prevent blocked pores by reducing inflammation, bacteria, oil production and skin shedding. The Paleo Diet and acne results are sure to speak for themselves.
The Paleo Diet And Acne Success
Clear skin can be yours in as little as 30 days! But you will be required to make a commitment and be diligent. This is one of the best home remedies for acne you can try. Just remember the 80/20 rule. Try and follow this diet 80% of the time and give yourself a little leeway. Be gentle on yourself and focus on the main points of the diet, namely good, clean proteins, plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and take it easy on the sugars, processed foods and saturated fats.
Your skin will have never looked so good! You will lose weight, have more energy, feel happier and have a sharper mind. Why? Because your body will be fed the right nutrients and your hormones will be balanced. Everything will improve in your life - naturally.
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