Saturday, April 25, 2020

How to Treat Acne on the Chest - Is It Different From Acne on Other Body Parts?

Pimples can form on any part of our body. They usually occur on the face, but can also appear on the neck, back and even on the chest. Acne is usually a super inflamed pimple caused by bacteria. The sweat that is left on the surface of the chest for too long could accentuate the condition on this area of the body. This adds to clogging of pores on the skin. This usually affects people who have a naturally oily skin or lovers of fatty dairy products.

To clear up super inflamed pimples on the upper body, natural methods could be applied. Start by getting on a healthy diet such that you do not eat foods that are harmful to your body. Dairy products are important in the body to build muscles, bones and hair. However, taking them in large quantities could trigger development of inflamed pimples on your upper torso. Take only the foods known to heal the skin condition or those that are not harmful to your body. An example of good food is walnut.

Non-comedogenic products are important for oily skin since they contain active ingredients in form of dyes and coal-tar. These products are well-known to clear pimples and acne. They also help in keeping your skin clean and pores open. In addition, use of acne fighting soaps plays a huge role in eradicating of spots. Soaps that contain salicylic acid work as effective drying agents and aid in healing of the skin condition.

Benzoyl peroxide is a well-known compound useful in eliminating the bacteria responsible for inflammation on the skin. There exist many creams and gels in drug stores that are capable of clearing spots. Most of these products contain benzoyl peroxide as the main active ingredient. What it does is stimulating drying out and initiating the peeling of dead skin layers of epidermis.

Exfoliation which involves the removal of dead cells on your skin is very important. This helps in decreasing blackheads in particular on your upper body. Make use of this constantly to enhance action of topical applications on your skin. A similar treatment involves use of aspirin paste which has salicylic acid that helps cut the inflammation on the skin. It makes a perfect home-made substitute for an exfoliation mask to use on your upper body.

Laser therapy or use of light to treat spots is a modern approach used to clear up this skin condition. In this approach, a smothering beam directed to the affected area. This light is able to kill the harmful bacteria on the skin.

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