Saturday, April 18, 2020

How to Pick the Perfect Product to Prevent Acne Breakouts

How to Prevent Acne Breakouts by Choosing the Right Product

Many teenagers and adults want to know how to prevent acne breakouts. This skin disease typically occurs during puberty when the sebaceous glands are stimulated by male hormones. Acne is the most common skin disorder in the United States. It is characterized by the presence of pimples, whiteheads, seborrhea, pustules, nodules, and blackheads. These lesions may appear on the neck, back, chest, and upper arms.

Contrary to popular belief, this condition is not caused by poor hygiene or processed foods. The truth is that hormones and heredity are behind most forms of acne. Certain ingredients that are commonly found in cosmetic products may worsen their symptoms. Estrogen medications, steroids, oily cosmetics, and comedogenic skincare products contribute to acne development.

How to Determine Your Skin Type

Acne may cause scarring of the skin, as well as depression and poor self-esteem. Treatment is aimed at keeping dirt and oil out of the pores and reducing inflammation. People with oily skin are more likely to develop acne than those with other skin types. Understanding your skin type can help you choose the course of treatment that will provide optimal results. Acne can affect any type of skin. Treatment options vary from one individual to another. If you know your skin type, you can easily determine how to prevent acne breakouts.

Researchers have found that beauty largely depends on the quality of the skin. Whether you want to know how to prevent acne breakouts or you simply wish to look younger and minimize the effects of aging, it is important to learn about your skin type. This will help you find the best ways to improve your look and slow the aging process.

You don't need any expensive procedures to determine your skin type. This is something that anyone can do at home. When you wake up in the morning, wipe your face with a clean tissue or paper. Pay attention to the T-zone. If there is grease on the tissue, then you have oily skin. Normal skin feels supple and smooth. People with dry skin will have no oil in the tissue. If there is oil only in the center part of the tissue, it means that you have combination skin.

Normal Skin

This type of skin looks clean and has a healthy complexion. It's well hydrated, smooth, and delicate. Blood vessels and pores are almost invisible. If you get pimples, they appear at random. Most women with normal skin develop pimples just before the menstruation as a result of the hormonal activity that makes the sebaceous glands more active.

Like other skin types, normal skin requires proper care. It is recommended to use creams with high UV filters to protect your skin from the harmful effects of sunlight. Use water and baby soap to clean your face twice a day. Apply a moisturizing cream daily. If you are using a cleansing lotion with astringent properties, make sure it doesn't contain alcohol.

Facial massages have beneficial effects on normal skin. This type of massage tones and tightens the muscles of your face. It also improves blood circulation and keeps your skin healthy and nourished. Your diet should include plenty of water. Eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. If you want to know how to prevent acne breakouts, take care of your skin and adopt a balanced diet. These factors are essential for healthy skin.

Dry Skin

This type of skin is fine-textured with a slightly dull appearance. Your pores are almost unnoticeable. People with dry skin have more surface wrinkles and fine lines than those with oily skin or combination skin. Dry skin feels tight immediately after you have washed your face. A cream-based cleanser and a good moisturizer are the best products you can use for your skin.

Toners, detergents, and soap reduce the skin's moisture levels. It is advisable to use a hydrating eye gel and a moisturizer with high SPF. Dry skin is extremely vulnerable to sunlight and needs to be protected with a quality sunscreen during outdoor activities.

Take the time to remove your makeup before going to bed. Consider taking fish oil and vitamin E supplements to increase the elasticity of your skin and keep it hydrated. Adopt a diet rich in essential fatty acids from tuna, flax oil, olive oil, cod, raw almonds, avocado, and shellfish.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is characterized by a dull, shiny appearance and dilated pores. This appearance is due to excess sebum. If you are asking yourself how to prevent acne breakouts, then you should use cosmetic products that are specifically designed for oily skin. Soap and water can help prevent acne and keep your skin hydrated. Careful cleaning and good eating habits may improve the quality of oily skin.

The good news is that oily skin is unlikely to wrinkle. It is recommended to take vitamin A supplements, which help control oil production. Reduce the consumption of carbohydrates and avoid junk foods. Always use an oil-free or water-based product for cleansing and moisturizing your skin. Apply clay masks regularly.

Combination Skin

People with combination skin have a "T-zone." The skin on their nose, forehead, and chin will look and feel different from the skin on their cheeks. These areas are more prone to acne. Because combination skin is oilier on some areas and drier in others, treating the drier skin on the cheeks can cause acne breakouts in the T-zone.

If you have this type of skin, use a good cleanser containing antioxidants. Clean your face with a foaming face wash every day. Apply astringent lotions on the T-zone. It is recommended to use antibacterial soaps in the summer. Exfoliate your skin regularly.

Sensitive Skin

Sensitive skin is similar to dry skin. It is more vulnerable to chemical ingredients, pollution, and environmental factors. People with sensitive skin often develop dermatitis, redness, broken veins, mild bruising, psoriasis, eczema, and rosacea. This type of skin is very dry and becomes inflamed easily.

If you have sensitive skin, use light and hypoallergenic cleansing lotions. Apply sunscreen lotion before leaving the house. Avoid using anti-aging products because they contain active ingredients that may cause irritation.

What Is pH Balance?

Now that you know how to determine your skin type, it is important to understand the skin's pH balance. The abbreviation pH stands for potential of hydrogen. You will often hear about pH balance about cosmetic products. The human skin has an approximate pH of 5.5, which indicates that there is a perfect amount of good bacteria.

The presence of bacteria is a major factor in acne development. This condition usually affects people whose skin has a high, alkaline pH. Fortunately, many treatments focus on restoring the skin's acidity. Baking soda, lemon juice, and honey are some of the most effective natural remedies for changing your skin's pH levels.

Acne Causing Ingredients

Certain ingredients that are commonly found in skincare products can worsen acne and irritate sensitive skin. Anyone who wants to know how to prevent acne breakouts should avoid these chemicals. Lanolin or wool wax is used as a moisturizer to treat dry skin. Despite its popularity, this ingredient has negative effects on acne-prone skin.

1. Isopropyl Myristate

Isopropyl Myristate is a commonly used ingredient that gives cosmetics a lovely smooth texture. People with skin conditions should avoid this ingredient because it may cause inflammation, clogged pores, and irritation.

2. Petroleum Oil

Petroleum oil is the main ingredient in vaseline. Due to its oily texture, it doesn't allow your skin to breathe. This can lead to acne breakouts and other skin problems.

3. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Sodium lauryl sulfate is a detergent used in shampoos, soaps, and cleansing lotions. This ingredient can cause severe epidermal changes to the area where it is applied. It basically increases the risk of cancer, kidney and liver damage, headaches, skin irritation, and clogged pores.

4. Synthetic Red Dyes

Recent studies have shown that synthetic red dyes can aggravate acne. These chemicals are usually found in lipstick, blushers and other cosmetic products. If you suffer from acne, use organic makeup products.

5. Parabens

Many people are concerned about the side effects of parabens. These substances interfere with the functioning of the endocrine system, causing hormonal imbalances. They also increase skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Parabens are associated with a higher risk of breast cancer and other serious diseases.

It is recommended to avoid products containing parabens and choose organic foods and cosmetics. Now that you know how to avoid acne breakouts, start making small changes to your diet and lifestyle.

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