Thursday, April 23, 2020

Acne, Causes and Cures

Acne is a horrible condition that can seriously undermine a person's self-confidence. It can affect anyone at any age but seems to be more aggressive in the teenage years, which is probably the most important time for self-confidence development.

The main point to this article is to briefly discuss the causes and cures for this condition which shows up on the body as red patches which can darken and split causing scarring in extreme cases. These can cover small areas of the back, neck and face and often spread to cover bigger areas.


Poor diet, stress and hormone in-balance have all been attributed to acne causes. Sometimes the body has a reaction to a rise in testosterone and this is often blamed on certain outbreaks of acne. Of course the hormone in-balance can be linked to both poor diet and stress and so it becomes a vicious circle.


The first thing to do is to visit your doctor, because they can tell exactly how bad the acne is and if there is any infections that need to be treated separately. A common problem with this condition is that the pustules break open and foreign bodies enter causing even more problems.

Get rid of stress. Stress is a problem in many areas of our lives and it really does not help acne at all. Find places to relax and clear the mind. Take up a hobby and learn to escape from the main areas that cause stress.

There are many different creams readily available on the market. When trying a new one it pays to test a small patch first in case the body reacts in an unpleasant way. Most of these creams are designed to sooth rather than cure but this is important because the sufferer is less like to scratch or rub and this will lessen the chances of infection.

Another method that has seen some success, or at least helped in some way has been the use of facial steam bathes. This opens up the pores and at least helps with preventing infection.

So to quickly recap

Try to eliminate stress if you suffer from this nasty condition and do make sure you take a look at your diet. Eat plenty of whole foods and fibre. Also try to get regular exercise because that also helps with stress.

Do at all costs avoid scratching the skin because this is the main cause of scaring.
I do hope this information helps in some way and please check the resource box for even more help on the subject.

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