Thursday, April 23, 2020

7 Effective Natural Ways to Treat Severe Acne

A severe acne problem does not respond well to many pharmaceutical products.

Most synthetic products have proven to be ineffective. Fortunately, there are proven natural ways to get rid of acne that come at a fraction of the price.

There are several natural ways to treat severe acne; here are the best seven treatments.

Brown Sugar Scrub

Brown sugar scrub is probably the best way to treat severe acne naturally. All you need to do is get in the shower and give your face, back, and any other acne-affected areas time for the pores to open up. Then scrub your face gently with brown sugar.

Scrubbing too hard will rupture the pimples so be gentle. If the acne infection has spread to your arms and back, apply the brown sugar to these areas as well. Brown sugar scrub works well when done 2-3 times per month.

Go the Egg Way

Either using the egg white as a facial mask or the egg yolk as a pore opener can make use of the egg as an effective remedy.

The egg white acts to reduce excess skin oil while the yolk helped to avoid pore-clogging. This is one way to treat severe acne.

It may take some time, say two months to get visible results, but it works eventually.

Separate the egg white from the yolks into two different bowls. Beat the egg whites and apply on your face. Keep the egg mask on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with plain water. Do not use soap to rinse off the mask. Dab your face with a clean soft cloth or let it dry by itself.

If you wish to use the yolk method to unclog pores, follow the same procedure as with the egg white. Apply to the face and leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse with plain water. You will feel refreshed immediately. Repeat these procedures twice a week.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a great toner. Nothing makes your skin clean and supple as lemon juice. Due to its acidity properties, do not leave it on the face for too long. Apply for five minutes and rinse off with warm water.

The warm water will speed up the workings of the lemon juice while ensuring that it washes off completely from your face. This treatment should be done once every two months.

Overuse will result in the face becoming oily which will only aggravate the severe acne condition.

Honey Fix

Honey is a great remedy used to treat severe acne. Its soothing properties and extreme sugar qualities help reduce pimple size and give a clearer complexion.

It also has antibacterial properties that ensure re-infections do not occur. Simply apply to the face leave for an hour and rinse with warm water.

Tea -Tree Oil

Tea-tree oil discourages infection and encourages healing. Tea-tree oil is known for its antifungal properties. A drop of oil does the trick. Rub the oil on the affected areas and you are good to go.

Contrary to popular belief, the tea tree works well in all degrees of acne. Whether mild, moderate, or severe, tea -tree oil works fine given adequate time.


Garlic is a natural antibacterial with over 400 chemicals. It helps in controlling severe acne breakouts and keeps the skin free of further infection.

Garlic should be used in the food and on the skin. When these two methods of utilizing garlic are used as a combination, the results are swift and satisfactory.

Apply crushed garlic onto the affected areas and watch the severe acne treatment work like magic. If you do not like the after-smell or taste, chew some parsley to suppress the odor.


Mint is rich in menthol, a natural soothing agent, and an anti-inflammatory. It leaves a cool feeling on the skin and allows the pores to open up.

Mint oil or the extract of the blended leaves will do just fine. This severe acne treatment can be used as often as possible without serious after-effects.

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